This was my B.Sc. thesis project, which resulted in a presentation at an international conference and a journal article in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, garnering over 118 citations from 2017 to 2024.
In this project, the improvement of mixing process inside a Y-shaped micromixer using ferrofluids and a magnetic field was studied, numerically and experimentally. An experimental setup was designed and built to carry out various experiments in the course of this study. The multiphysics numerical simulation was performed by COMSOL computational software. Simulation results revealed that the magnetic field significantly affects the mixing efficiency. The efficiency could be improved from 8% for a case with no-magnet to around 90% when a 2000 G magnet was used in the microchannel. Increasing the magnetic field’s strength leads to increasing the mixing efficiency and reducing the mixing length.
Time evolution of the mixing process for a flow rate of 60 cc/min and a nanoparticle mass fraction of 0.05 with (a) and without (b) the magnet. (Sensors & Actuators, 2017)
Concentration distribution for a length of 8 mm at the end of microchannel for different magnetic field's strengths (Sensors & Actuators, 2017)